Here at Lighthouse Lures, we are about building the best lures. So why wouldn't we help others out there to get gear that will help them with their lure building. 

We use all of the items below so you can be sure, we stand by all of it. Lure building should be fun. No matter whether you are a casual, hobbyist lure builder or you build them to sell, you will be sure that all the gear is the best for whatever you are doing and building.

If you need any specific items, please get in touch and we can see if we can get them. With numerous manufacturers and suppliers worldwide, there is a good chance we can get anything you need in any quantity you require. 

From Omega Clips, Lure Split Rings, Twisted Wires, Screw Eyes, 3D Eyes, Treble Hooks and many other items so you can be sure to get everything you need all in one place.

38 products